Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Go Away, Reflux!

There’s nothing worse at night than reflux.  I’ve had it for the past several years, beginning when I started working outside the home again.  Whether it’s the result of poor diet, aging, or stress, I don’t want it.  Like a lot of folks, I’ve been taking medicine to prevent it.  However, I’ve been concerned about the side effects. 

When Mom got into Young Living oils, I followed her.  My mom has a history of really good ideas and I like to learn from what she’s doing.  I had researched essential oils years ago when our daughter was just a baby.  Though I hadn’t pursued using them then, I’m all into them now. 

Research into something that would help my reflux led me to using Lemon and Peppermint oil, a drop each in my water each morning.  I noticed right away that the reflux problems decreased.  A side bonus was that my appetite was decreased and I started losing weight. 

The weight loss was encouraging, so I decided to change things up a bit and try Slique Essence, a blend of oils designed to help with weight loss.  Adding it by putting a couple of drops in my water, while also using the Peppermint and Lemon oils improved my results even more. 

Added, ongoing stress recently caused me to once again have some issues with reflux at night.  I modified my diet so that I was eating less fatty foods.  I also switched olive oil, coconut oil and butter for most of my fats.  Then, I ordered DiGize from Young Living oils. 

I mix a drop or two of DiGize and Peppermint Oil in a bit of coconut oil as a carrier and spread it around my abdomen.  If I continue to have heartburn, I simply take an empty capsule and put a couple of drops of each oil and swallow with water. 

I’m happy to say that my reflux is much, much better.  I’m not having difficulty lying down at night, and I sleep like a baby.  Perhaps the best thing is that I’ve now lost 20 lbs. since June 2nd, 2 months.  I can’t wait to see what other things I can do with my essential oils to help me feel better.  

To buy find out about how to buy Young Living Essential Oils at wholesale and/or create a business with YL for yourself, follow my link:  https://www.youngliving.org/mamashodan

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